Rex Steven Sikes, has four decades of experience helping people transform their life.

His innovations include Mind Design™ Directed Questions™, and the Attitude Activator™.

Rex is an expert on Whole Brain and Accelerated Learning, the Law of Attraction, and transformational life design.

He is the founder of IDEA Seminars.

He conducts programs on transformation, Mind Design™ and how to create your best life ever.

He has appeared before millions in television, radio interviews, and commentary.

He has consulted for attorneys and news media offering commentary on famous trials and celebrities.

Rex’s clients include attorneys, CEO’s, sales professionals & managers, medical doctors, law enforcement, personnel managers, small business owners, training personnel, investors, teachers and educational administrators and actors, filmmakers, and professional speakers.

What these clients all share in common is the desire to live their best life.

With Rex, it’s possible.

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